Chikes Orthodontics in Ephrata, PA

Various Orthodontic/Orthopedic Appliances

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Various Orthodontic/Orthopedic Appliances

Dr. Benjamin F.D. Chikes can help you choose the right braces or orthodontic solution, and he can help you care for them too. Here are some common tips for properly caring for your braces so you can get the best results for all your teeth alignment care needs. Call us if you have any questions.

1. Headgear →

Can slow the growth of the upper jaw and move maxillary (upper) molars rearward to help gain proper occlusion.

2. Palatal Expander →

For widening the upper jaw when a crossbite exists and the upper jaw is too small.

Palatel Expander

3. MARA (Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance) →

Helps to steer growth of the lower jaw, when it is determined to be too short.

4. Herbst Appliance

Helps to steer growth of the mandibular (lower) jaw, when it is found to be short. Improving the boney and dental relationship.

Herbst Appliance

5. Carrier Appliance

Is used to push the maxillary (upper) molars rearward, when they are too forward for proper occlusion.

Carrier Appliance

6. Tooth Positioner

On occasion, a tooth positioner (a type of retainer) can be used to help with final positioning of teeth and jaws to gain best occlusion.

Tooth Positioner


Headgear is worn by patients when their upper teeth or jaw are too far forward. It is designed to hold back the upper jaw in its forward growth, allowing the lower jaw to catch up at its natural rate during the period of active facial growth. It is also for holding back molars as the front teeth are pulled back.
Headgear must be worn as instructed for proper correction of your teeth. Other tips for your headgear include:● When placing or removing the facebow (the wire part) of your headgear, please use patience and gentle force to prevent loosening the cement and the band attached to your teeth.● Wear your headgear for 14 hours of each day unless you have been told otherwise. Wear your headgear all night and every night. If you must miss a night, you will be expected to make up those hours on the weekend.● There may be some temporary discomfort during the first night or two of wearing your headgear. Your molar teeth may become tender and even a little loose. Falling asleep may be difficult. Your teeth may also be sore for a few minutes after removing your headgear in the morning. For all this discomfort, we recommend taking two aspirin if you wish.● Bring your headgear to every appointment, even emergency appointments, so that it can be adjusted.rious damage to your face and jaw..● Bring your headgear to every appointment, even emergency appointments, so that it can be adjusted● Use the provided case to store your headgear. Write your name, address, and phone number on your case so that it can be returned to you if lostHeadgear straps are fitted at first with very light forces. If it is too loose and comes off, you may tighten it by wearing the strap on a tighter notch.

Palatal Expander

Palatal expanders are a special appliance that widens your upper jaw. Each day when this appliance is turned, it gradually moves the two halves of your upper jaw apart. These tips will help you care for your palatal expander and get the best results:
● Avoid hard and crunchy food. Do not eat ice. This appliance is cemented to your teeth and hard, crunchy items can loosen or break it. Cut back on sodas because the carbonation may break down the cement. Avoid sticky and gooey food items as they may get stuck in the appliance.● Turn your appliance once each morning as instructed by your dentist.● Good vision and lighting are important for properly turning your appliance. If necessary, lie down with your chin elevated and mouth open. You can use a flashlight for better vision. Insert the key and push back toward your throat until the key stops. You should see the next hole. Remove the key from the back.● In a few days, space will develop between your two upper front teeth. This is normal and the space will close over the next few weeks.● Advil or Motrin are recommended as needed for the first few days with the appliance.● Food may become stuck under the appliance. Proper rinsing and excellent oral hygiene are important after meals.● The expansion for your upper jaw is usually complete after 3 or 4 weeks, but the appliance stays in your mouth for 3 to 4 months. Keep your regularly scheduled appointments with us so that we may check the appliance. If you have problems or complications with it, please discontinue turning the appliance and contact us for an appointment.

Palatal Expander

Mara Appliance

● Make a conscious effort to bite into a forward position with your lower jaw until your muscles become accustomed to the new position.● You may bite your cheeks at first — this is common and will lessen over time.● You may have difficulty eating for about 4 to 10 days and you will need to bite on your front teeth. You will need to cut all your food into small pieces at first to keep chewing to a minimum.● You may have puffy-looking cheeks at first — this is common and will disappear over the next several weeks.● You may have soreness in the cheek area. This will subside in a few days as the tissue toughens and forms a callous. Use Orabase or Vitamin E for this type of problem.● The elbow on the top of the appliance can come loose or fall off. If this occurs, please save the elbow and bring it with you to our office to have it repaired.● It is important for you to maintain excellent oral hygiene so that your appliance is free of food and debris. You may need a WaterPik to help you.